
Thursday, September 9, 2010

Ogden Standard Examiner: We Were Able to Grant a Wish

Having a day of their own: Crestwood Care Center grants wishes to residents

Last updated

Wednesday, September 8, 2010 - 6:24pm

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Henrietta Hess, a resident of Crestwood Care Center in Ogden, attends a backyard barbecue with her daughter, Linda Beus, under the center’s The Big Dream program, which lets residents fulfill a special wish.
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Marilyn Newton visited the Botanical Gardens at MTC Park in Ogden as part of her special day.
Courtesy photo

Mary Greenwood also visited the Botanical Gardens.
OGDEN - Darwin Vandegraaf wanted to see Jon Schmidt in concert. Billie Lou Lund wanted to go out to dinner. Henrietta Hess wanted to enjoy a summer backyard luncheon with her daughter.
All three got their wishes, thanks to a new program at Crestwood Care Center.
The Big Dream is a new customer focused program specifically tailored for Crestwood residents, said Kay Peterson, director of hospitality at Crestwood. Each resident is given an opportunity to request a special wish about what they would do if they had a special dream day.
"Every request is taken to heart and explored," Peterson said. "I contact area businesses willing to donate to make the day happen. Some ideas are simple and others are more involved but nothing is too large or small."
Not only did Vandegraaf get to see Schmidt in concert, he got to travel to Wolfe Creek to see the pianist perform during the Music in the Mountains event.
"Dream Day was important to me because the past 18 months have been difficult," he said. "First there was the illness and passing of my wife followed by my own multiple health problems and surgeries. Dream Day was a much needed and much appreciated boost in my morale."
Hess loves eating tomatoes, so she was granted a summer backyard luncheon with her daughter, Linda Beus.
"It was very uplifting. It made me happy," Hess said. "I broke my hip and came to Crestwood for rehab. I enjoyed the care and made this my home. I'm 96 years-old."
Lund's request was to eat at the Olive Garden with her family.
"I was extremely active and enjoyed spending time with family and friends going out to eat and attending various events," she said. "I fell coming out of a movie I attended with friends. When I fell I fractured my left knee and tibial plateau. My right knee and right shoulder were also injured."
Lund spent three days in the hospital before being transferred to Crestwood Care Center. She said when employees asked her what her wish was she was thrilled they cared enough about her to ask the question.
"I thought of my daughters and how much their love and support meant to me through this depressing and life altering experience," she said. "My wish would be to take them to dinner at the Olive Garden to show my appreciation. This will allow me to show my appreciation to both of my daughters for taking turns each day visiting and spending time with me. It has meant more to me than I could ever express."
Crestwood Care Center is a locally owned rehab and skilled nursing center, Peterson said. She said the new dream program is much needed because it helps lift the spirits of the residents and brightens up their day.
"Some of the events we've done have included a fishing trip, a lunch at Applebee's, a day at the Living Planet Aquarium, making a cake, a day at the Ogden Botanical Gardens," Peterson said. "Being in a nursing center can be very difficult and many people shy away from visiting or volunteering. We want our community to know the amazing things we are doing here at Crestwood. We feel that by getting the word out we may enlighten perceptions and motivate others to get involved."

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