
Thursday, January 10, 2013

January Gardening Calendar

With all the snow and cold temperatures you're probably thinking that spring will never come.  Now, don't get discouraged...warm temperatures and the sun will come back.  I promise.  In the meantime, here are some fun things to do while you wait for warmer weather and the snow to melt.

  • Fertilize poinsettias after their blooms fall off, and trim back to just a few leaves if keeping it until next year.  Otherwise, add it to the compost pile.  Watch this great video by Jerry Goodspeed and say, "No to poinsettia neglect!"  
  • Plan the garden on paper using a pencil and eraser.  Need more help with designing your landscape?  Enroll in our Landscape Design class that will be taught at the Ogden Botanical Gardens in April.  Hurry, class size is limited.
  • Order some new and exciting seeds from your favorite catalog.  (This is one of my favorite pass times when it's too cold outside to play in the dirt.)

  • Water evergreens if there is no snow on the ground. (Don't need to worry about lack of snow this month!)

1 comment:

  1. I cannot wait for the spring and i miss my gardening very much and so my wooden shed.
