Master Gardener in action |
We decided to change the name of our Master Gardener Clean-Up Day to "Weed & Feed." We would love to have all our wonderful Master Gardeners come and help us weed and do other tasks at the gardens and then we will feed your bodies and minds. During a delicious lunch you will be able to listen to guest speakers as they talk about various gardening topics. Last month Mark Standing did an "outstanding" job teaching us about composting, so we've decided to continue having the classes throughout the year.
Mark Standing teaching about compost last month
The "Weed & Feed" will be the first Tuesday of each month from 9am-2:30pm, so we hope to see everyone out this upcoming Tuesday, May 3rd. We'll be spreading bark for our garden paths and around tree rings. Please bring gloves, a scoop shovel, a rake, and a wheelbarrow to haul the bark from the parking lot.
Bark path through the Oriental Garden
For lunch we'll celebrate Cinco de Mayo with sweet pork burritos. Please call Kathy at (801) 399-8201 to sign up for a small food assignment.
While we are eating lunch Dan Wheelwright, a certified arborist and Master Gardener, will be talking about the importance of trees in the landscape. It will be a very informative presentation, so we hope to see everyone on Tuesday, May 3rd at the "Weed & Feed".
Thanks again for all your help at the gardens. We couldn't make the gardens as beautiful without your help and support!
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