Stop them before they take over the world! |
Lawns: Now is the time to apply pre-emergent herbicides to control annual weed seeds such as crabgrass, spurge, and dandelions. When the forsythias are in bloom will help you remember for years to come. We recommend that it be applied now and again in June for weed control all summer-long.
Fruit tree buds |
Fruit Trees: Apply a dormant oil on all fruit trees to control soft bodied insects such as aphids and scale. Remember to spray the dormant oil when you start to see color in the buds. If you apply once the buds have opened you risk burning the foliage/flowers with the oil.
Cut back ornamental grasses, butterfly bush, and other perennials. |
Flower Beds: Cut back and remove all of the dead foliage from last year's plants. Most perennials can be cut off to ground level with the exception being lavender and Russian sage. Butterfly bush can be cut back to 18" to help promote more flowers this summer.
Various cool-season crops |
Vegetable Gardens: If you can get to your garden without sinking up to your ankles in mud then now is the time to plant cool season crops such radishes, peas, potatoes, onions, cabbage, broccoli, cauliflower, kolrabi, lettuce, and spinach--just to name a few.
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